3 Days
Mongolia/ Khustai and Terelj
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Khustai And Terelj National Parks Tour

Khustai And Terelj National Parks Tour
It is true that the Khustai National Park is the home to wild horses called Przewalski horses or takhi, in Mongolian. However, it is not true Przewalski horses is the only attraction of the Park. Because the Park occupies such a vast territory, there is ample opportunity for various outdoor activities such as takhi and bird watching, hiking, horse or camel riding, photo shooting and visiting ancient artefacts there.
  • Today we will drive to Khustai NP. The park lies in the foothills of southern Khentii mountain range and it is the place where you can see wild horse called Takhi known as Przewalski horse to the world. The wild horses survive in nature by themselves because they have been reintroduced successfully to their homeland after 40 years of extinction. Currently, the number of Takhi has already reached more than 170.
  • Visit to local museum.
  • We will make horse riding for one hour.
  • Overnight in ger in the tourist resort
  • We will drive to Terelj NP.
  • In the NP we will hike to small temple Aryabal.
  • We will also horse ride in the NP.
  • Overnight in ger in the tourist resort
  • We will drive back to UB.
  • On the way, we will visit to Chingis Khaan Equestrian statue.
  • Drive to UB.
  • Transfer to the hotel
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