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Travel from Vietnam to Cambodia

Travel from Vietnam to Cambodia
A trip with lively imagines and the major sites of the two countries in Indochina such as landscapes and population of Vietnam, and Cambodian temples of Angkor Wat. Hotels with good comfort and a visit throughout Angkor and many original services will bring you about an excellent balance in this area in terms of history.

  • Hanoi Capital Vietnam
  • Halong bay, Hoa Lu
  • Imperial Hue city
  • Old town in Hoian
  • Boat trip on the mighty Mekong
  • Angkor Wat
Pick up you at the airport and transfer to the hotel. PM: stroll in the trishaw in the colonial districts then have dinner at restaurant and overnight in hotel.
Visit the capital of the country, and discover its colonial and traditional places including: Sword Lake, Temple of Literature, One Pillar Pagoda, Tran Quoc Pagoda and Quan Thanh Temple by the West Lake.PM: visit ethnology museum then walk around the 36 quarters of the city, and visit Ho Chi Minh mausoleum. In the evening, go to see water puppet show. Overnight in Hanoi.
Depart to Hoalu, considered as the Bay of " Halong bay in Land ", famous for the beauty of its landscapes, cruising on boat through the rice paddies in Tamcoc surrounded by high cliffs and explore the pagodas inside the caves and Bich Dong temple. Return to Hanoi. Dinner at restaurant. Overnight at hotel.
Morning departure by the coach for Halong. Cruising on the boat through the extraordinary landscapes of Halong Bay with nearly 3000 small islands and various types of limestone. Lunch will be served with fish and seafood on board. Dine in restaurant and overnight in hotel.
From Halong back to Hanoi to visit But Thap Pagoda, one of the most beautiful sculptures, then have lunch. Return and overnight in Hanoi.
Transfer to the airport for morning flight to Danang VN 311 7h50 -9h05. Arrive at Danang Airport, pick up and transfer to Hoi an. Overnight in hotel.
Visit the small town of Hoian. A place is famous for 18th-19th classical architecture of Vietnam: the Japanese bridge, old houses and temples of the congregations of Quang Dong and Fukien and the floating market. Go to visit the fishing port by bike or on foot. In the afternoon, departure for Hue and then visit Cham museum in Danang. Dinner will be served with specialities of Hue and overnight in hotel.
Stroll in sampan in Perfume river, visit thienmu Pagoda and minhmang Mausoleum.PM: visit Imperial City of the Nguyen Dynasty: the door of midday, the Palace of the Supreme Harmony, the temple of Nguyen. End tour at dongba market. Dinner and then spend the night at the hotel.
AM: Flight for Ho chi Minh. Stay in the hotel and then city tour : the post office, the cathedral. Lunch. PM: Visit China town, alive and colourful city, Binh Tay market, thienhau pagoda, Jade Emperor pagoda. Dinner and spend the night at hotel.
One day in vinh long with the luxurious framework of the Mekong Delta. Cruising on the boat to caibe floating market then through the channels, villages of the fishermen, farms and binhhoa orchard island. Return to Hochiminh and dinner at traditional restaurant.
Morning flight for Siem Reap. Pick up then transfer to hotel. Check in Hotel. Lunch. Visit Angkor, one of the archaeological and extraordinary sites in the world, the visit will begin with the primitive site from Roluos. Overnight at hotel in Siemreap.
Visit the town of Angkor Thom with its majestic doors, monumental temple of Bayon facing the tropical forest and Baphuon and Phimeanakas mountains. In the afternoon, visit Angkor Vat Temple with perfect architecture .then stay overnight at hotel in Siemreap.
Visit Banteay Srei, the Khmer traditional art with its super low reliefs of pink sandstone, beautiful Banteay Samre(13th century) and Pre Rup(10th century). Then explore the immense maze of Preah Khan, Neak Side and mysterious Your Prohm invaded by the tentacular roots of the cheesemongers. Overnight at hotel in Siemreap.
Excursion on boat on the immense lake of Tonle Sap and visit the villages of fishermen. Transfer to the airport for your next destination. End services.
Tour Cost includes:
  • Full transportation by private car or bus as tour program indicated.
  • Half meals as indicated in the itinerary. (Lunches at local restaurant local food)
  • International flight : Hochiminh - Siemreap
  • 2 domestic flights : Hanoi - Danang , Hue - Hochiminh
  • English-speaking guide
  • Entrance fees.
  • Private Boat trip in Halong Bay, Perfume River, Nhatrang, Tiengiang river in Mytho and Tonlesap in Cambodia.
  • Twin-share accommodation with daily breakfast; ( AC room)

Tour Cost excludes:
  • Airport taxes - Dinners
  • Personal insurance
  • Expenditure of a personal nature, tips, such as drinks, souvenirs, laundry, emergency transfers & etc.
  • Visas to Vietnam and Cambodia (20$ for Visa on arrival )
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