16 Days
Kathmandu, Nepal
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Upper Mustang Trek

Upper Mustang Trek

‘Upper Mustang’, also known as the Last Forbidden Kingdom, lies immediately north of the Himalayan range of Nepal at the average altitude of 4000m. This sacred terrain situated in the rain shadow of Dhaulagiri occupies the northern two-thirds of Mustang district of Dhaulagiri zone. Starting from Kaagbeni (south), this desolate valley in the Trans-Himalayan area extends to North of Tibetan border. The literal meaning of Mustang is “Fertile Land”. This former Kingdom of Lo sharing a part of Tibetan plateau was made accessible to tourists since 1992.  Upper Mustang is also known as the capital of the former Kingdom of Lo Manthang.

Upper Mustang trek allows you to experience arid and dry desert-like landscape, weather-beaten cliffs, colorful rocks, moraine valley, deep gorges, snow-crested peaks, glaciers, alpine valleys, barren ridges and century old cave residing higher up in the rocks. Upper Mustang hike also renders an opportunity to experience the grand view of Annapurna, Nilgiri, and Dhaulagiri while standing on the various passes en route that range from 3000m to 4000m. This steep, rocky Upper Mustang trekking trail is also said to have been one of the major trade routes, used by salt caravans while crossing the Himalayas between Tibet and Nepal.   Upper Mustang walk offers a one time opportunity to spot fortresses, palaces and cave hermitages, scenery of the Tibetan plateau and Kali Gandaki, the deepest gorge in the world.

This trip to Upper Mustang not only offers geographical beauty, but also introduces you to the old Buddhist Kingdom of Mustang called Lo where people still follow Tibetan Buddhism and pure Tibetan Buddhist culture, language and architectures that has remained unchanged since the 14th century. You can spot Tibetan style village comprising of whitewashed houses tucked with firewood on the roof. You will also be greeted with a number of colorful village monasteries (Lo Gekar monastery built in the 8th century by famous Tibetan magician Guru Rinpoche and Thungchen Gompa built in the 15th century) and other ancient palaces along with primordial society that has remained unaffected by transformation for centuries. A visit to the royal palace situated in the city square of Lo Manthang offers an exceptional opportunity to meet Lo Manthang’s former King, Jigme Dorjee Palbar Bista, who lost his title in 2008 after Nepal became a republic nation. His family is still highly respected and loved by locals.

Another interesting thing about the trek to Upper Mustang is the opportunity to get closer to the tradition and culture of people belonging to Thakali and Gurung communities.

The Upper Mustang trek starts from Jomsom that makes its way upstream partly walking in the riverbed until the trail reaches Kaagbeni, which is the last settlement, before entering the restricted area of Upper Mustang. On entering the area of Upper Mustang, you will be bestowed with a close up view of the variety of exclusive landscapes, primitive society that has not undergone any change for centuries and other exceptional opportunities that you will probably get to experience only once in your life time.

Upon your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport , our representative will meet you and transfer you to your hotel. Later that day or the following day, a meeting is scheduled at our head office to brief you the details of your upcoming trek. Here, you will also be introduced to your trekking guides and Sherpas. If your flight arrives on time, a welcome dinner is also scheduled for you at one of the most popular local restaurant where you can enjoy Nepali food along with a glimpse of cultural music and ethnic dance. On request, dinner can also be postponed to the following day.
Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, offers a wide range of unique historical, natural and cultural sites. You will be guided to some of the following sites. These sites include World heritage sites such as Kathmandu Durbar Square – one of the most important historical structure that offers eye appealing architectural wonders, the Pashupatinath temple - a Hindu shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva (the lord that holds the power of destruction), Swyambhunath (Monkey Temple) and the Boudhanath Stupa – dedicated to Lord Buddha. However, you also have an option to skip one of these sites and visit another World Heritage site, ‘Patan Durbar Square’ along with Mahabouddha Temple, Kumbeshwor Temple, Krishna Temple and Golden Temple that simply offers some of the historical masterpieces to the connoisseurs of art. After spending around 4 hours observing these beautiful sites, we will meet again to finalize your clothing and trekking gears (sleeping bag, down jacket and trekking boots). Overnight in Kathmandu.
Our guides will pick you up at your hotel and take you to the bus station to go to Pokhara. We head towards the west of Kathmandu valley via Prithvi Highway and then continue the journey towards west to Pokhara. The bus will stop twice on the way; for the breakfast and lunch. This winding highway along Trisuli River offers a spectacular view of mountains, rivers, jungle, waterfalls as well as hamlets situated higher up on the hills and amphitheater-shaped terraced field flaunting different seasonal crops. On reaching Pokhara, you check into the hotel, freshen up, explore the city and in the evening stroll around the lakeside. Overnight at a lodge in Pokhara.
After breakfast, you will be transferred to Pokhara airport to board an early morning flight to the district headquarter of the Mustang - Jomsom. Passing through the world’s deepest gorge, this scenic flight to Jomsom offers a spectacular view of mountains like Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) and the Annapurna range. On arrival to Jomsom, you will meet the rest of the crew awaiting your arrival. The necessary pre-trek preparation will be done at Jomsom. Shortly after this, the ultimate walk starts on crossing the suspension bridge at Jomsom which further leads towards the northern valley of Kaligandaki following the trail along the Kaligandaki River. The trail offers a stunning views of snow capped mountains like Tukuche, Nilgiri and Dhaulagiri to the north, while the southern part of the trail features the entire Annapurna range. After 4 hours walk we finally reach Kaagbeni village (a gateway to upper Mustang), located at one of the major, era-old Trans-Himalayan salt trade path to Tibet. Kaagbeni is also located at a junction of two rivers - Kak Khola (descending from Muktinath) and Mustang Khola, and from here the river is named Kali Gandaki. In the evening you can take a stroll around Buddhist monasteries and some Hindu temples in Kaagbeni. Overnight at a lodge in Kaagbeni.
After breakfast, the trail ascends towards northern valley of Kagbeni and heads towards Tangbe and the towards Chhusang valley. Along the trail you can enjoy a network of narrow lane among the traditional red and whitewashed houses, Buddhist monasteries, red, black and white colored chortens, beautiful apple orchards as well as wheat, barley and buckwheat fields. You will also be blessed with a glowing view of Nilgiri. After crossing several ridges and a stream along the trail, we now leave both Kali Gandaki valley and Manangi culture behind and enter Chele and the Tibetan culture of Lo. This place offers a perfect picture of Tibetan settlement. Overnight at a lodge in Chele.
After breakfast, we start our usual day trek, hiking up to Taklam La Pass through even terrain to observe Yakawa Kang, Tilicho Peak and Damodar hill. We further walk towards the village of Samar from where the ridge descends into the large gorge, passes chorten and make our way towards Shyangmochen walking through the beautiful valley crossing cool streams and juniper trees. Shyangmochen is a small settlement with a few tea shops. Nearby Shyangmochen, you can also enjoy Rangbyung which is a cave that contains stalagmites in the form of Chorten. This is also considered one of the holiest places in Mustang. From here the trail descends to Geiling, which offers the pleasant view of the extensive barley field. Overnight at a lodge in Geiling.
After breakfast, the trail turns west and continues through the driest part of Mustang, which further passes through the fields that are below Tama Gaon. From here we take a turn towards north to reach Nyi La. Here, the trail steeply descends to Ghyami. Ghyami is the third largest settlement surrounded by large barren fields in the Lo region. On crossing Ghyami River, the trail makes its way along the Mani wall (a sacred wall made by prayer stones) and from the end of the wall the trail takes an eastward turn towards the village of Charang, which is a large spread village situated on the top of the Charang Chu canyon. On the eastern side of this village lies Dzong (fortress) and a Red Gompa (monastery) that exhibits an assortment of exceptional statues and Thangkas. Overnight at a lodge in Charang.
Before heading toward Lo Manthang, we spend some time exploring Charang village and Red Gompa. We then climb up the valley to explore an isolated Chorten, which separates the area of Charang and Lo Manthang. As the trail climbs up to the windy pass of Lo, the trail broadens eventually allowing you the very first glimpse of the walled city of Lo Manthang. This city has only one entrance on the northeast corner of the city therefore, following the only option we circumambulate the wall to get to the entrance. Overnight at a lodge in Lo Manthang.
After breakfast, we start exploring the Lo Manthang. We visit 4 major Gompas like Namgyal Gompa (situated on the hilltop and also used as a local court), Champa Lakhang (God House), Thugchen Gompa and Chyodi Gompa. Other attractions of this area are the ceremonial King’s Palace (a 4 storey building at the center of the city), Tingkhar (a settlement of around 40 houses and the last village to the northwest of Lo Manthang) as well as the panoramic view of towering mountain and pure Tibetan culture. If you are lucky, you can also get an audience with the king or the queen. Overnight at a lodge in Lo Manthang. (Note: Entry fees to all monastery are paid by you.)
After breakfast, we now take a different route towards south that leads us towards Ghar Gompa which is a 1200 year old Gompa with Guru Rinpoche (who overcame a demon who had been interfering with the construction of the Shakya Gompa in Tibet at this spot). It is highly believed that if you pay a visit to this Gompa, one of your wishes will be fulfilled. This Gompa is also famous for its rock paintings. The trail is windy during the day; therefore, it is suggested to start the walk as early as possible. Overnight at Ghar Gompa.
After breakfast, get ready for the dusty day as we descend to Geiling from Ghar Gumpa. Walking past more caves will bring us back to the long Mani wall and the pass at Ghami. From here, we walk until we reach Geiling. Overnight at a lodge in Geiling.
Today we will get back to the same trail. The trail from Geiling to Chele once again gives you a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking view of all those towering peaks, hamlets, caves and varied landscapes that you missed earlier. The night is spent at a lodge in Geiling.
Today is the last day of our trekking. Today’s walk will be the longest walk during the entire trek as we do not stop at Kaagbeni but walk till we reach Jomsom. On reaching Jomsom, you will celebrate the success of our trek with other crew members. Overnight at a lodge in Jomsom.
After breakfast, we check in at Jomsom airport to fly back to Pokhara. This 25-30 min flight between the gorge Annapurna and Dhaulagiri is a bonus to feed your soul with thrill and adventure. On reaching Pokhara we check into the hotel where you can freshen up and then you can explore the lake area. Overnight at the hotel in Pokhara.
At 7 am we start our journey from Pokhara to Kathmandu via Prithvi Highway. We stop twice – once for breakfast and lunch. Once again, you will get a chance to enjoy the pleasant view of Trisuli River, hamlets, and terraced farm on the way to Kathmandu. On reaching Kathmandu, you will be escorted to the hotel (tourist standard). In the evening we host a farewell dinner at one of the best Nepalese restaurants where we will share our experience together. Overnight at a hotel in Kathmandu.
Our representative will transfer you to the airport as per your flight departure time. (Special Note: During the entire trek, we serve you a full board meal - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and tea & coffee. Our guides will come to wake you up around 7 am. Breakfast will be served between 7 am to 8am. Ordered lunch from the teahouse menu will be served around 12 which can also be postponed if you plan to eat later than the scheduled hour. Dinner will be served between 8pm to 9 pm. Tea/coffee will be provided twice a day. During the walk you can also ask your guide to stop in those areas where you wish to take pictures and enjoy the scenery. If you get tired, you can also request to slow down and rest for some time. After dinner and before going to bed your team leader will brief you regarding the following day’s itinerary.)

Travel Insurance
A travel insurance policy that covers cancellation, injury, death, lost baggage, theft, liability, medical treatment and expenses is strongly recommended. Make sure your insurance covers all the activities that you will be undertaking during your stay in Nepal. If a client becomes ill, all hospital expenses, doctors' fees and repatriation costs are the client's responsibility. If you are injured and unable to travel, you can ask for a rescue helicopter from a remote area only if you have definite proof that ou can pay for it. Please make sure your policy specifically covers those.

Health and Fitness
We strongly recommend you to consult the doctor before planning this trip. You should obtain a professional advice from a travel clinic or your local GP about which vaccinations to have before you arrive in Nepal. On all trekking and exploratory trips technical experience is not required, hiking/camping experience is an advantage, but by far the most important thing is a positive attitude and a generous amount of determination. We run regular first aid courses for our all trekking guides and Sherpas.

Foods and Accommodation
In Kathmandu we use tourist standard hotel to ensure a comfortable stay and relaxed environment before and after your adventure. All breakfasts are included at the hotel in Kathmandu. Rooms are generally twin share – depending on group size and room availability, triple share may be offered up on your request. A single supplement room is available at an additional cost for accommodation. During the trek for breakfast you expect to have porridge, toast or chapattis, omelet and local bread. We will provide all meals on full board (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) from the teahouse menu during the trekking period. Whilst trekking to Upper Mustang, the accommodation is in basic guesthouses or Lodges which are basic with shared facilities. Foods will be also very basis.

Our effort while you are on a trek
While you are on trek, our guide will have cell phone and we often speak with you to deliver messages to your family. We will try to stick with the proposed itinerary, however as this is adventure travel in a remote Himalayan region, the health of member, weather conditions can change the itinerary. The tour leader will try to ensure that the trip runs according to plan, but please be flexible. If you are delayed longer than the itinerary date we can help reschedule your international flights but prepare to pay for extra charge if required.

Why to Trek with us!
Our trip itineraries are optimized to cover most famous travel routes. We have over 17 years of experience in adventure and trekking tours. We are committed to the best and professional service so that all of our customers' expectations are met. Our local Sherpas and Leaders are highly trained. We can tailor trips to your needs. We also pass your day to day trip update to your family if required. Our guide and Sherps will have cell phone which works in most places on this route.

Trip Length: 16 Days  

Difficulty: Moderate 

Group Size: 2-10 Pax

Activities: Trekking, Sightseeing

Best Month: March to December

Transportation: Private Car,Bus & Flight

Accommodation: Hotel & Lodge

Style: Tea house

Max Elevation: 3806m

Meal: Breakfast in the city and full board meals during the trek

Trip Route: Kathmandu-Pokhara-Jomsom-Lomanthang-Jomsom-Pokhara-Kathmandu

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