2 Days
Peru / Machu Picchu
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Machu Picchu 2 Day Tour

Machu Picchu 2 Day Tour
This overnight, two-day tour allows visitors to visit one of the most unique and historical sites that Peru has to offer.
We pick you up at the hotel and we travel to Ollantaytambo by bus for one hour and a half, in Ollantaytambo we take the train to Aguas Calientes, during the trip we appreciate a diversity of natural landscapes in accordance to the existing ecological nature. We arrive to Aguas Calientes train station, a person from the hotel is going to be waiting for you there to take you to the hotel. In the night time the tourist guide is going to explain about the next day tour.
Early in the morning after breakfast the person of the agency take you to the bus stop to go up to the Machu Picchu Archeological Monument, it takes around 30 minutes. We will initiate the visit to the Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu having observed the beautiful landscape and visiting the main ceremonial centers like: Temple of the Sun or Intiwatana, Astronomical observatory, Temple of the Pachamama, main Seat, Temple of the three windows, temple of the Condor, Sacred Rock, etc. The time of the guided visit is 2 hours, after that you are going to have free time to enjoy the place and take the pictures you want. We will descend to Aguas Calientes town for Lunch, then we are going to take the train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo and by bus to Cusco. The time of return trip is 3.30 hours approximately,


  • Transfer Hotel in Cusco – Ollantaytambo train station – Hotel in Cusco
  • Train from Ollantaytambo – Aguas Calientes town – Ollantaytambo
  • Hotel in Aguas Calintes town with breakfast included
  • Official Tourist Guide.
  • Bus up and down to Machupicchu Archeological Monument
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