1 Days
Peru / Cusco City
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Cusco City Tour

Cusco City Tour

We will pick you up from your hotel. We visit six traditional places around the downtown area;


Located in the main square, was built between 1,560 and 1,564 with red granite taken from the Sacsayhuaman Fortress. You can admire beautiful paintings from the antique Escuela Cusqueña, spectacular gold and silver work, wooden altars and you can also admire Señor de los Temblores, holy image of the devotees from Cusco.

Koricancha and Convent of Santo Domingo

Koricancha means Site of Gold, the most important temple where the Incas worshiped the Sun, the walls and floor were lined with solid sheets of gold and in the courtyard spectacular golden Statues. There are also rooms, called the Moon, Stars, Lightning, and Thunder. Koricancha was also an observatory, nowadays remains spectacular stonework and in the underground Archaeological site Museum, where you can see important pieces and mummies. Convento of Santo Domingo was built next to Koricancha in 1534.


Sacsayhuaman means ‘satisfied falcon’, one of the most impressive fortresses built by the Inkas during the government of Pachacutec, researches suggests that it was more likely to be used as a temple, and Inca tombs have been discovered in the area. Sacsayhuaman stones are incredible, the largest stone weighs over 300 tonnes. This is the place where every 24 of June people stage the festival of the Sun or called in the Inka´s language Inti Raymi.


Means ‘zigzag’ or ‘labyrinth’ the most impressive carved rocks in the Cusco area. There are carvings everywhere, although some are carved like a figure of llama, condor and snakes. There are many zigzag channels on the top of the rock, probably they pour Chicha (corn drink) as an offering to the holy Gods. Inside the rock, there are a number of caves and passageways and an altar which was used for the sacrifices of llamas.

Puka Pukara

Puka Pukara means ‘the red fortress’. This is a small site and although the name suggests that it was a fortress, functioned as an administrative centre, it has platforms, superimposed terraces, stairways, and passages.


This site was used as a Temple of the Water. There are some very impressive aqueducts, channels, and cascades carved in stone, designed to flow water through the channel from a nearby stream. There are also some trapezoidal niches.


  • Touristic bus transportation

  • Tourist guide

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