8 Days
Ethiopia / Addis Ababa / Southern Ethiopia / Omo Valley
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Ethiopia's Omo Valley

Ethiopia's Omo Valley
Make an overland journey to the Omo Valley followed by domestic flights between Addis Ababa and the Omo Valley which are now an option. Witness the beautiful sights of Ethiopia including the Mago National Park and various villages.
Drive to Arba Minch, one of the main towns in Southern Ethiopia. On the way, visit a Dorze Village in the Guge Mountains. The Dorze are known for their tall, beehive-shaped bamboo houses. If the base becomes infested with termites, the entire house can be lifted and moved to another location.
Take a boat trip on Lake Chamo and view some of the largest crocodiles in the world sunning on the banks of the lake. Hippopotami and birdlife are also abundant. Drive to Jinka visiting various peoples such as the Gamo and Derashe. Stop at Key Afar's weekly market (if on a Thursday) and wander among the various tribes such as the Benna and Ari that have gathered to barter their goods.
Early morning drive to the Mago National Park to visit the Mursi people. The Mursi women are known for the clay plates they insert into their lower lips. Time permitting, visit the Omo Valley Museum in Jinka.
Drive to Turmi to visit the Hame eople who are well known for the scarring of their bodies, using clay to shape their hairstyles, and the unique practice of "bull-jumping" which every young man must accomplish prior to marriage. En route to Turmi, visit the Benna and Ari people.
Excursion to Omorate visiting the Dassanech people. Return to Turmi for the evening.
Drive to Konso, recently designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. A highland people, the Konso are known for the ancient and intricate terraces that encircle their well-planned villages.
Drive to the lakeside town of Hawassa. Rest and relaxation at one of Hawassa’s fine resorts. Overnight Hotel (B, L, D)
Visit the Hawassa fish market in the morning. Drive to Addis Ababa making stops at the Rift Valley Lakes. In the evening, enjoy a farewell dinner at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant featuring dancers and musicians representing some of the country's many ethnic groups. Transfer to airport for late night departure upon request.
  • The order of sites visited in the Omo can change depending upon lodge availability and weekly market days.
  • We will arrange additional hotel nights in Addis Ababa upon request.
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