5 Days
Ethiopia / Addis Ababa / Harar
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Awash National Park and Harar

Awash National Park and Harar
Visit the Awash National Park in Addis Ababa followed by a trip to Harar and the Koremi Village concluded with a Return to Addis Ababa via plane.
Drive to Awash National Park via the Rift Valley Lake of Bishoftu near Debre Zeit. Take an evening game drive in Awash National Park and visit an are frequented by hyenas.
Early morning game viewing. Afterwards, drive to Dire Dawa via the Harege Plateau a region of coffee and chat plantations. Arrive in the afternoon to tour the local market.
A 45 minute Drive to Harar. Stroll through the 16th century walled city of Harar, the fourth most important city in the Islamic World. See the home of Arthur Rimbuad, renowned French poet who worked and lived in Harar as a "gun-runner" during the 19th century. Visit the National and Harari museums; the house of Ras Mekonnen (father of Haile Selassie); and a traditional Harari home. In the evening see the "Hyena Man" feeding the hyenas that gather nightly outside the town.
Continue with tour of Harar. Take an excursion to visit homes in the cliff-side village of Koremi.
Drive to Dire Dawa stopping at Ethiopia's largest "chat" market in Aweday. Fly to Addis Ababa. Optional souvenir shopping if time permits. Enjoy a Farewell dinner at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant featuring dancers and musicians representing some of the country's many ethnic groups. Transfer to airport for late night departure if needed.
  • We will arrange additional hotel nights in Addis Ababa upon request.
  • This excursion can also be added to the end of other tours that go to different parts of the country, such as the Omo Valley or Historic North.  This tour does not always have pre-scheduled departure dates.  However, if flights and hotels are available we can guarantee a departure on the dates you request.
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