5 Days
Ethiopians / Mekele
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Ethiopia's Danakil Depression Tour

Ethiopia's Danakil Depression Tour
The Danakil Depression is the northern part of the Afar Triangle or Afar Depression in Ethiopia, a geological depression that has resulted from the divergence of three tectonic plates in the Horn of Africa. The Danakil Depression tour gives visitors a chance to experience one of the most breathtaking and unique geological sites that ethiopia has to offer.
Optional morning visit to Ethnographic and National Museums in Addis Ababa. In the afternoon, fly to Mekele on Ethiopian Airlines. Overnight Hotel (L, D)
Meet support vehicles and drive to Ahmedela via Berhaile. Make camp, and see camel caravans passing against a backdrop of dramatic sunsets. Overnight Camping (B, L, D)
Visit Lake Asale and watch the salt workers as they cut bricks of salt from the lake bed. The bricks are then sold on the market and loaded on camel caravans for transport to the highlands. Proceed to Dalol and view the dramatic and colorful geological formations caused by the hot springs rich in sulfur, potash, and salt. Overnight Camping (B, L, D)
Drive to Dodom. Trek 15 kilometers to the Erta Alle volcano lake, 613 meters above sea level. Arrive at Erta Alle around midnight and walk to see the spectacular volcanic eruption. Set up camp and rest. Overnight Camping (B, L, D)
Return trek to Dodom. Drive to Mekele. Overnight Hotel (B, L, D)
Fly to Addis Ababa on Ethiopian Airlines. Evening, enjoy a Farewell dinner at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant featuring dancers and musicians representing some of the country's many ethnic groups. Transfer to airport for late night departure if needed. (B, L, D)
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