1 Days
Mexico city, Mexico
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Puebla & Cholula

Puebla & Cholula

Discover architectural wonders on this guided day trip to Cholula and Puebla from Mexico City. Inside Cholula’s archaeological zone, feast your eyes on Pirámide Tepanapa, or the Great Pyramid, the world’s largest — even bigger in volume than Cheops in Egypt! Wind your way through the UNESCO-listed city of Puebla, home to gorgeous tiled buildings and Mexican Baroque churches, including the Church of Santo Domingo and Chapel of the Rosary. Bonus: Hotel transport and lunch are included.


  • Day trip to Puebla and Cholula from Mexico City
  • Explore the archaeological zone of Cholula
  • Enjoy guided visits of Talavera and onyx factories
  • Hotel pickup and drop-off and lunch included

What You Can Expect

After hotel pickup from Mexico City, travel with your guide southeast to Cholula, just outside of Puebla. Head inside Cholula’s Archaeology (Park Zona Arqueológica) and visit the world’s largest pyramid — the Great Pyramid of Cholula, aka Tlachihualtepetl, towering at 180 feet (55 meters) with a square base of 1,300 feet (396 meters).

From the pyramid base, look up to see the Church of Our Lady of the Remedies perched on the summit. Hear about how Hernan Cortes ordered construction of 365 churches on this site, one for every day of the year. 

Then, your guide takes you to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Puebla, a city where buildings are sculpted out of freestone and covered with painted ceramic tiles. The charming city boasts 70 churches in its historic district alone. Swing by the 16th-century Church of Santo Domingo, whose plain gray and pink exterior belies the opulence inside.

Next, visit the Chapel of the Rosary, part of the Church of Santo Domingo and once considered the eighth wonder of the art world. Admire the gilded stucco inside this example of Mexican Baroque architecture. 

Gaze at the serene-blue Convent of Santa Monica, now home of the Museum of Religious Art. Finally, visit onyx and Talavera ceramics factories, and learn about how these artisanal items are crafted, before enjoying transport back to your hotel.

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