9 Days
Kathmandu, Nepal
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Annapurna Skyline Trek (The Royal Trek)

Annapurna Skyline Trek (The Royal Trek)

Annapurna Skyline Trek
 known as The Royal Trek (The trail walked by British Prince Charles in 1980) near Pokhara,in the Annapurna region of Nepal,is the best introductory trek for people with limited time and zero trekking experience. Along with the marvelous view of the Annapurna Massif, Machhapuchhre, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu and other peaks of the Annapurna region, Annapurna Royal trek presents an authentic village experience to trekkers in a short time. Begnas and Rupa Lake are the additional attractions of this trek. 9 days Annapurna Skyline Trek (Royal Trek) itinerary by Beyond Himalaya also includes a sightseeing tour of the world heritage sites in Kathmandu and some major attractions of Pokhara.

Royal Annapurna Skyline Hike is a short trek, very popular among family trekkers with small children and elderly people. Anyone with average physical fitness level can plan The Royal Trek. However, this isn’t a lodge trekking as there are no proper hotels/lodges/guest houses (except for small tea houses) along the route. Camping and Home-stays are the only available accommodation options. Beyond Himalaya offers Home Stay trek therefore, trekkers need to carry sleeping bags and light snacks. September to  May is the best time to plan this trek. However, Beyond Himalaya can help you plan your trek to the Annapurna Skyline anytime of the year.

We can custom design Annapurna Skyline Royal Treks packages to meet trekkers’ needs, requirements and budget. The package price includes full board during the trek and bed & breakfast in Kathmandu and Pokhara. Special group discount is offered on all bespoke packages guaranteeing 100% departure date. You can also enjoy a complimentary map offered by our company.

Starting with a bus ride to Bijaypur, this off the main trekking route of Annapurna region, conquering the height of 1,730m,  finishes 5 kms away from Pokhara. Annapurna Skyline Royal trekking route passes through forests, terraced farmlands, amazing turquoise lakes and the beautiful settlement of Brahmin, Chhetri, Gurung, and Magar community offering the experience of their mixed culture and lifestyle that has remained unchanged for years. Begnas Lake is the ending point of the Royal trek.

Upon your arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA), we will greet you and transfer you to your hotel in Kathmandu. If possible, we also schedule a meeting at our office for the briefing regarding the trek followed by an introduction session with other team members (especially Sherpas and guides). Tonight, we also arrange a welcome dinner in one of the most popular local restaurants, where you can enjoy the ethnic dance and cultural music along with great Nepali food. If your flight arrives late, both the meeting and the dinner can be scheduled for the following day.
The capital, Kathmandu valley itself, is a big storehouse of exclusive natural, cultural and historical sites. Today, we take you on a few hour tours to the major attractions of Kathmandu valley. We then meet again for a few hours to finalize your clothing and trekking gears (down jacket, trekking boots, sleeping bags etc.) required during the trek. Overnight at a hotel in Kathmandu.
Today, in the morning our guides will come to pick you up at your hotel and escort you to the bus station to catch an early morning, comfortable tourist bus to Pokhara. The bus will head towards the west of Kathmandu Valley and continue the journey towards the western part of Nepal following the Prithvi Highway along the Trishuli river. The bus will stop twice – breakfast and lunch and then continue until we reach Pokhara. The evening can be utilized to explore the lake area. Overnight at a hotel in Pokhara.
From the beautiful city of Pokhara, we drive to Bijaypur, following the Prithvi Highway. On reaching Bijaypur, we cross the bridge across the Bijaypur River to reach the starting point of the trek. Initially, the broad trail goes through flat paddy fields up till the river. On crossing the river, the trail gradually ascends along a ridge top to Kalikasthan crossing Brahmin and Chhetri villages. The remaining day will be spent exploring the area. Home-stay at a basic tea house.
Today’s walk is a beautiful walk along the forested ridge top through Thulakhet to Mathi Thana. A short climb from this point will take us to Naudanda. The walk continues along the ridge up to Lipeyani village. A short steep ascend from this village will finally take us to the Gurung village of Syaklung. Home-stay at Syaklung.
From Syaklung, a steep descent (about 400m) towards the south side of the hill, through the Gurung village, rhododendron and sal forest, will first take us to the valley floor, which is a popular resting point. This place will greet you with a large tree, chautara, a several teashops, a police checkpoint as well as a trail junction. The trail on the left will lead us to Begnas Lake and that on the east will take us to Marshyangdi River. From this point, about 600m ascend, through the winding path around the back of the hill will take us to Chisopani villages. On reaching the village, we also hike up to the Chisopani Danda - a high knoll, to visit a temple located on the top of the hill. Home-stay at Chisopani.
Today is the last day of the trek and our destination is Pokhara via Begnas Lake. Initially from Chisopani, the trail descends along the ridge for about an hour. Then, a steep descend following the stone steps will bring us to a small valley, where we cross a bridge across feeds the Rupa Lake. We further continue through the rice field for some time and finally ascend the ridge separating Begnas and Rupa Lake. From the ridge, the trail descends to the Pokhara Valley and joins the Begnas Tal Bazaar. We spend some time exploring the Lake area and then a short drive (12km) from Begnas in a private vehicle to Pokhara. The evening will be spent exploring the lake area in Pokhara. Overnight at a hotel in Pokhara.
Today, from Pokhara we catch a tourist standard bus to Kathmandu. Leaving Pokhara, we head east toward the capital city, Kathmandu. After 7 hours drive via Prithvi Highway, we reach Kathmandu. On reaching Kathmandu you will be transfered to your hotel, where you can freshen up and rest for some time. This evening, the company representatives conduct a short meeting to discuss the trip, your experience and the feedback. Farewell dinner will be provided. Overnight at a hotel in Kathmandu.
Today is the last day of your trip with us. If your flight is scheduled early morning, then one of our company representatives will take you to the airport as per your flight departure time. If you are planning to spend some extra days in Nepal, we can assist you with your travel plans.

Travel Insurance
Please get a travel insurance that covers all the added expenses that might result due to various health issues, injuries or accidents (together with air ambulance, helicopter rescue and other treatment cost). Also, make sure that your insurance policy covers all extra activities that you are planning to accomplish, throughout your stay in Nepal. In addition to this, the policy should also cover death, misplaced luggage, theft and liability, cancellations, medical treatment (counting hospital charges, cost of the medicine, doctor’s fees) as well as repatriation cost. In short, all clients must take the responsibility regarding the entire unforeseen expenses during the trip.

We kindly request you to inform us regarding your present health condition, medical situation, preceding illnesses and the medications you are taking. We expect you to be honest regarding these issues, so that we can prepare for emergencies.


Our attempt while you are on a trek:

Our guides are provided by cellular phone so that we can contact your group on a regular basis. In case of urgency/emergency, you can also use this phone to send your message to us, which will further be delivered to your family.

Also, our guides will make every possible attempt to follow the planned itinerary; however, it is kindly requested to be flexible in case of changes in the itinerary caused by extreme weather conditions, unforeseen natural disasters or bad health condition of a group member. Moreover, we can also help you reschedule your international flight (extra charges applicable) if you need any additional days to complete your trek. We will make every possible attempt to make your trek ‘a grand success’.

Why to trek with us?

Your trip itineraries are fully customized in order to meet the individual needs and interests of each traveler. We also partner with local people and Leaders to help you get the maximum out of the trip. Customer service is our top priority.

When should I plan this trek?

Though Annapurna Skyline  trek can be planned any time of the year, spring and autumn are considered the best seasons.


Trip Length:- 9 Days  
Difficulty:- Easy 
Group Size: 2-10 Pax

Activities : Trekking, Sightseeing

Best Month : September to December and March to May

Transportation : Private Car and Tourist Bus

Accommodation : Hotel & Home Stay

Style : Home Stay

Max Elevation : 2,629m/5,344ft

Meal : Breakfast in the city and Full board meals during the trek

Trip Route : Kathmandu- Pokhara-Kalikasthan-Chisopani-Pokhara-Kathmandu


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