16 Days
Annapurna, Nepal
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Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna Base Camp Trek


Annapurna Base Camp Trek
 is an inspiring Himalayan trek into the heart of the Annapurna range, balanced with a wonderful taste of both city and rural life in Nepal. Although leading you into the heart of the mighty Himalaya, the trek presents no major difficulties and can be undertaken by enthusiastic hill walkers. The surrounding area is protected with 7,629 sq km Annapurna Conservation Area, the first and largest conservation area in Nepal. The Annapurna Conservation Area is homeland to several world-class treks.

Trek to Annapurna Base Camp begins after short drive from Pokhara to Nayapul and beautiful walk through Ulleri, Ghorepani, Tadapani, Chomrong, Bamboo, Deurali  and finally to the base camp of Annapurna. Annapurna base camp is located in the lap of Annapurna South which has a perfect Majestic view of Annapurnas and Fishtail.

Upon arrival at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport, we will greet you and take you to your hotel. We will meet either later on that day or the next day to take you to our head office, where we will brief you on your upcoming trek with us. Here, we will introduce you to your trekking guide and Sherpa. If your flight arrives on time, we will take you to one of the most popular local restaurants with delicious Nepalese food, cultural music and ethnic dance. This will give you a glimpse into the different ethnic groups. If you arrive late in the evening, we can do this the next day instead.
After breakfast, you will begin a city tour of Kathmandu where you will see the main attractions of the valley. On this tour you will visit the Boudhnath Stupa, Pashupatinath temple, Swyambhunath Stupa (Monkey Temple), and Kathmandu Durbar Square (the old palace). After finishing the city tour, we will meet again to check your clothing and trekking equipment (sleeping bag, jacket and trekking boots). Overnight in Kathmandu.
After breakfast, we drive to Pokhara by a tourist bus, which departs at 7:00 am. This is an excellent drive through the Prithivi Highway, featuring interesting views of the mountains, rivers, waterfalls and jungles, as well as farm terraces and villages. The bus makes two stops, for breakfast and lunch. After a 7 hour drive, you will reach Pokhara. After check into the hotel, you can take a walk around the lake side of the city to explore the surrounding areas. Overnight at the hotel.
We take a short drive to Nayapul, a beginning part of the trek. After preparing the luggage for the porters and for yourself, the trail takes you on an easy walk towards Birethanti along the river. A short check in formalities at the ACAP office, and the trail leads you towards Bhurundi khola, along with great scenery passing through several countryside villages all the way up to Tikhedhunga. Overnight at the lodge.
After breakfast, we prepare for the long uphill to Ulleri, which has 3200 stone steps and an amazing landscape featuring the valley and part of the Annapurna range. This scenery will motivate you to climb up the steps and immerse yourself deeper into the hike. After a short walk from Ulleri, the trail leads you through the forest of rhododendron, which is national flower of Nepal. Then the trail continues uphill to Ghorepani which is on the top of a hill boasting excellent views of entire Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri. Overnight at the lodge.
Early in the morning, we take an hour walk to the top of Poon Hill for a view of the sunrise, complimented by the beautiful mountain range. After taking photographs from Poon Hill, we will return to the lodge at Ghorepani and trek down to Tadapani after breakfast. The beginning parts of the trail have a steep uphill climb to the ridge by way of stone steps, and after a few ups and downs you will reach Deurali for a short break. Then the trail drops down through the valley and into Banthanti. The entire hike goes through a forest that has beautiful scenery and refreshing shade. Toward the end of the day, there is a short and easy walk to the ridge and a steep downhill walk to the river. Then there is a steep climb to Tadapani, which is located on the top of the ridge. Overnight at Guest House.
After breakfast, the trail drops down through the forest, and continues down to the river where we cross a suspension bridge at the bottom, and take an easy walk after a short climb. The trail leads to Chomrong, followed by a steep downhill to Sinuwa for an overnight stay.
At the beginning there is an easy walk that leads you through the forest towards Bamboo and continues with a climb up to Dovan. Then the trail leads you through the valley towards the Himalaya, where we may stop for lunch and continue to hike to Deurali for an overnight
After breakfast, the trail climbs up through the valley to get to the Machhapuchhare Base Camp where you will take an hour rest before you head to the Base Camp. If you have no problem climbing up, we continue walking to Base Camp for an overnight stay (If you have a problem walking further we will stop here for an overnight stay and make it a short day trip).
After a morning excursion, the trail drops down through the same valley to Deurali and continues downhill through the forest. You may find it to be an easy downhill which is not steep and has interesting sights along the way. Finally, we stop for the day at Bamboo
After breakfast at the lodge the trail leads uphill through the stone steep to the ridge and an easy walk to Sinuwa. Then the trail drops down to the bottom of the hill and continue climb up to Chomrong. After lunch break at Chomrong the trail takes a steep drop down to Jhinu. Once you get to the Guest House, you will walk 15 minutes downhill to the bank of the river where the hot spring is located. According to Hindu mythology, if you bath in these springs, you will wash all your sins away. After our relaxing time, we have a short climb back to the lodge for an overnight stay
You can go to the hot spring again in the morning if you wish, and later we will walk down through the valley to cross a bridge. After that, there is a short climb that will take you into Landruk. There are few suspension bridges to cross and many waterfalls on the way. Landruk is a big Magar village that you will enjoy exploring. Overnight at the lodge.
After breakfast at the lodge, your day begins with a few ups and downs leading to the bottom of the hill at Bhaisekharka. After that, the trail runs steep up to the ridge at Deurali, going through a forest. Deurali is located on the top of the ridge, and from there you will enjoy the views of Mt. Dhaulagiri, the Annapurnas and more. Then the trail drops down to Pathana for our overnight stay.
Today, the last day of walking, is easy and short to Dhampus village. After Dhampus, the trail drops down to Phedi (bottom of the hill) which is the ending part of the walk. After a half an hour drive, you will reach Pokhara for our overnight stay.
At 7 am, we'll drive to Kathmandu via the same route we first took to Pokhara from Kathmandu. It is an interesting driving route where one can enjoy passing scenes of natural beauty. In the afternoon, we'll arrive in Kathmandu where will host a farewell dinner at a Nepalese restaurant. Overnight at the hotel.
Today is the last day of your trip with us. If you would like to extend your holiday with us, we would be more than happy to help you plan further adventures. Otherwise, we will take you to the airport for your departure.

Trip Length : 16 Days

Difficulty : Moderate to Difficult

Group Size : 2-10 Pax

Activities : Trekking, Sightseeing

Best Month : October to December and March to May

Transportation : Private Car & Bus

Accommodation : Hotel and Lodges

Style : Lodge Trek

Max Elevation : 4243m. at Annapurna Base Camp

Meal : Breakfast in Kathmandu and full board meals during the trek

Trip Route : Pokhara-Poon-Hill-Chomrong-Annapurna Base Camp-Jhinu-Dhampus-Pokhara

Travel Insurance
You must have a  travel insurance. A travel insurance policy that covers cancellation, injury, death, lost baggage, theft, liability, medical treatment and expenses. Make sure the insurance covers all the activities that you will be undertaking during your stay in Nepal. If a client becomes ill, all hospital expenses, doctors' fees and repatriation costs are the client's responsibility. If you are injured and unable to travel, you can ask for a rescue helicopter from a remote area only if you have definite proof you can pay for it.

Health and Fitness
We strongly recommend you to consult the doctor before planning your holidays. 

Foods and Accommodation
In Kathmandu we use tourist standard hotel to ensure a comfortable stay and relaxed environment before and after your adventure. All breakfasts are included at the hotel in Kathmandu. Rooms are generally twin share – depending on group size and room availability, triple share may be offered up on your request. A single supplement room is available at an additional cost. For breakfast you expect to have porridge, toast or chapattis, omelet and local bread. We will provide all meals on full board (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and tea & coffee) from the teahouse menu during the trekking period. Whilst trekking on the Everest, the accommodation is in guesthouses or Lodges which are basic with shared facilities. Some lodges offers shower and mostly offers bucket hot water up on request. During the trip you can expect 2 hot showers.

Our effort while you are on a trek
We will try to keep to the proposed itinerary, however as this is adventure travel in a remote Himalayan region, the health of member, weather conditions can all contribute to changes the itinerary. The leader will try to ensure that the trip runs according to plan, but please be prepared to be flexible if necessary. If you are delayed longer than the itinerary date we can help reschedule your international flights but prepare to pay some extra charge if required.

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