1 Days
Peru / South Valley
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South Valley Tour: Tipon Pikillaqta and Andahuaylillas

South Valley Tour: Tipon Pikillaqta and Andahuaylillas
Starting from Cusco, we first, we visit Tipon, then Pikillacta and ending in the “Church Sistine of America” in Andahuaylillas.

This archaeological complex is one of the largest works of historical irrigation used on the farming terraces, the incredible use of the water channels in the open air; was built by the Inca Wiracocha tribe.

It is considered at present as one of the best known and best-preserved pre-Inca cities in Peru.
Piquillaqta, pre-Inca citadel maintains its ancient mystery of interesting architecture, near the lagoon of Huacarpay. The archaeological site, characterized by its limestone construction, strangely called at the end of the colony with the Quechua term Pikillaqta (piki = flea; Ilaqta = village) which means "flea village", stands out the distribution of its harmonious buildings and symmetrical blocks with straight streets that considered various sectors, such as administrative, ceremonial, urban and defensive, as well as the road system.

Arriving at the main square, we'll see how it stands the Temple of San Pedro called by some historians and travelers The Sistine Chapel of America, dates back to the 16th century. Stand out its wonderful wall paintings, works by renowned painters of the era which include Diego Quispe Tito. The pieces are part of the art Baroque.

The church also houses a collection of paintings of the Cusco School never seen, which represents the life of San Pedro (with impressive frames in gold leaf), a majestic organ, silver goldsmiths and a baroque altar.
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