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Isfahan Royal Tour

Isfahan Royal Tour

Naghsh-e Jahan square, Royal mosque, Lofollah mosque...

  • Location: Iran, Isfahan
  • Length: 5 hours
  • Highlights: Naghsh-e Jahan square, Royal mosque, Lofollah mosque, Ali-qapoo palace, Chehel sotoon palace, Hasht behesht palace
  • Transport: Walking
  • Itinerary:
    • Walk to Shah square (also called Imam square and Naghshe Jahan square) and visit the monuments around it including Royal mosque (also called SHah mosque, Imam mosque and Abbasi mosque), Shikh Lotfollah mosque and Ali Qapoo palace.
    • Then walk to Chehelsoton and Hashtbehesht palaces and gardens
  • The trip includes: English speaking guide, transport, entrance fees
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