4 Days
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  • Embark the Amara River Cruise at 3:00 pm, sail to the shore of Mt. Tangyi –
    • Climb Mt. Tangyi in the afternoon, by foot or car
    • Enjoy the evening view to Bagan from the pagoda
  • Dinner and overnight on board the Amara
  • (Dinner included)
  • Set sail at 6:00 am for Yandabo –
    • Small village of Yandapo, site of treaty signing between the British and Burmese in 1826
    • Famous for traditional, handmade terracotta pots
  • Dinner and overnight on board the Amara
  • (Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
  • Sail north, arriving at Inwa (Ava) in the late afternoon –
    • Nan Myint Watch Tower, nicknamed ‘leaning tower of Ava’
    • Maha Aungmye Bonzan Monastery, built of brick and stucco
    • The all-teak and carved Bagaya Monastery
  • Dinner on board the Amara and overnight at Sagaing
  • (Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
  • After breakfast, morning sightseeing at Sagaing –
    • Pagodas and monasteries, by foot or horse cart
  • Sail to Mandalay, disembark at 12:00 noon
  • (Breakfast included)
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