7 Days
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  • Embark the Amara River Cruise in the afternoon
  • (Dinner included)
  • Set sail for Shwegu at 6:00 am, passing the beautiful Second Defile –
    • The river banks become steep cliffs and the river depth is extreme
    • Take in the beautiful scenery
  • Arrive in Shwegu in the afternoon –
    • Visit the pagodas of Shwe Baw Kyunn on the opposite river bank
  • The Amara will here overnight
  • (Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
  • Leave Shwegu at 6:00 am to sale to Katha –
    • Take in the dense tropical forest scenery along the river, dotted with small villages
    • Opportunity to see the famous Ayeyarwaddy dolphin in this area
  • Reach Katha in the afternoon –
    • Visit the Katha of George Orwell’s book “Burmese Days”
    • A beautiful town with a colourful market, friendly people and a unique atmosphere
    • Dinner and overnight on board the Amara.
  • (Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
  • Set sail at 6:00 am, continuing downstream to Tagaung –
    • Sightseeing at Tagaung, one of the oldest capitals of Burma
  • Dinner and overnight on board the Amara, just south of Tagaung
  • (Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
  • Set sail at 6:00 am continuing downstream to Thabeikkyin –
    • Past the Third Defile
    • Take in the dense teak forest
    • Visit the pottery village of Nwe Nyein
    • Sightseeing around Nwe Nyein
  • Dinner and overnight on board the Amara, in Kyaukmyaung
  • (Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
  • Set sail at 6:00 am, downstream to Mingun –
    • Mingun with the Mingun Bell, the world’s largest working bell
    • Shin Phyume Pagoda
    • The monumental unfinished brick Mingun Pagoda
  • Dinner and overnight on board the Amara near Mingun
  • (Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
  • Sail to Mandalay
  • After breakfast, disembark at Mandalay Jetty at 8:00 am
  • (Breakfast included)
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